
There's this jewelery box I got for Christmas a few years ago. I think it was 2005 or 2006. Anyway, it's really beautiful. It plays music when you open it. It also has a poem about Granddaughters on the top. I remember when I opened it on Christmas morning, my Nanny gave it to me. I remember opening it and hearing the music play, and reading the poem on top. I remember going to the bathroom and not telling anyone that I felt like crying, because it was one of the nicest gifts I have ever received. One of the most meaningful. After we opened all our gifts and had Christmas dinner, I went home. I remember taking everything to our little basement apartment on Hawthorne Street. I remember opening the box again when I was at our place, and the tears started welling up again. I knew it was a very meaningful gift. I have always thought of Nanny, every single time I opened it to get a bobby pin, or a ring, or even just to hear the music play. I think of her.

Now that she's gone, here I am. Almost 5 years after receiving this jewelery box, and I still think of her every time I open that box. I went to grab a hair elastic from the jewelery box tonight, and I find myself tearing up.

love ya, Nanny. Hope you're okay up there.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sweet Michelle!