
Saw a fortune teller today..

Here is the transcript of my reading:

Mike: Ok, let's talk about your health. Now, your issues are diet induced. You need you get your diet back in check right now. That's what's causing you to feel kinda cranky sometimes..kinda irritable, not happy. Sometimes you'll have a nice meal, which is really not a nice meal, and then afterwards, it's like, "Oh I'm so hungry." It happens on a regular basis for you, doesn't it? So you really have to watch your diet at this point in time for the transition of about 3 months. Once you do that, you're going to be good to go.
There is also a weight loss coming for you, which is something you've been considering doing anyway. It's going to be successful and it will bring about a lot of happiness. It's going to be very very good.

For you, there is a lot of excitement, about change in regards to work, and love, and happiness! Are you ready for all this?

Mich: Hope so.

Mike: Well this is a very busy time for you. It seems like you are coming into a great deal of abundance where job wise, everybody wants you and love wise, everybody wants you. Now, this is good but it can be very overwhelming. But I definitely know you are going to make all the right choices and decisions this very year.

You need to get out more. You have a tendency to go out but not with the right people. I want you to be a little bit more selective of who you go out with on a regular basis and I am talking about girlfriends as well. There are some people around you that don't encourage you to be the best you can possibly be. Because of that factor, you're going to be getting rid of some friends, and that's a good thing.

You have big fears of the future right now. Of where you're going, what's coming. You're afraid you're never going to find what you're looking for. That's a fabrication of your mind, you know that right? You are going to have everything that you've ever desired.

And true love is coming, are you ready for it? You thought that you already had it, but you don't! It says there is new love coming, how do you feel about this?

Mich: I don't know.

Mike: Well, there's been some stuff that has to change in your relationship that has been going on for quite some time. That's why I see new love coming, unless he can change his wicked ways. You put up with too much. You're coming to a threshold, and the only time it happens is when you put up with so much, you've endured so many things, you've existed through so many issues and problems, and it only seems that there is more coming in the future ahead. You're coming to a point where it's like, "Is this really worth it for me?" Sorry, that's where you are right now! But at this point, you have gotta decide: Do you wanna stay with this guy based upon history? Really, are you truly 100% happy? Are you ready to take the leap of faith and say, "Lets take some time apart to figure out what we really, truly want?" That's what's coming within the next few months.
You have a lot of people that want to help you, too. And these people see the success and happiness within you. They know that you can be great. They wanna help you get there. What do you need to do? Nothing, say thank you and leave it at that.

And you are very talented. You are very talented within your own right. But why no confidence? That is one of the major aspects you need to work on over the next 7 months because I see you doing exceedingly well future-forward.

Romantically over the next 7 months, things get pretty damn good. And I definitely see here that October is going to be a good month for you because you are going to be doing all the right things, getting things in order, and start focusing on your future ahead.

You worry about your dad a lot. That's one of the things you do because he is close to your heart. But, he's fine. So why do you worry so much about this guy? There's nothing to be concerned or worried about.

Mich: I don't know.

Mike: Over the next 8 months I see a nice transition coming through for him. Things are about to shift with what he has already endured and gone through. When someone has gone through a lot of bad, it is hard to see the good.

You have no babies right now. You need to be careful.

Over the next two years I see a little boy coming into your life. And that is a good thing - It is not a bad thing. Right now, you would be able to handle it, it is going to be good for you, and it is going to be the best thing that has ever happened to you in your entire life. It's about 2 years out for you. You are still young, that's why I say you don't want to rush into this right now.

And you're not really satisfied at this moment. You keep telling yourself you are. You keep pretending that maybe, just maybe "I am happy" but you truly aren't. There are aspects here that are definitely missing in your life. Over the next 5 months, it's all about what makes you satisfied now. You'll start to think about your needs, your wants and your desires.

Your guy has sugar problems.

Mich: What is it?

Mike: Sugar problems. He either eats or drinks too much. Which one? hmmm, drinking and the pancreas. Lets talk about that for a second. It can make the most sweetest, kindest, loving man that you've ever seen turn into the biggest idiot you've ever seen in your entire life when he has too much to drink. What is the problem? He has got sugar problems. He needs to come off the alcohol and get back to his diet, because today it's not a problem. In two years it will be a problem.

This definitely tells me that next year is the best year you've ever lived. You finally have your life back. Now I know there is a lot going on right now, and a lot of it has to do with indecision, worry, self-doubt and anxiety, but things are about to turn around better than you ever thought possible. It's going to be good for you.

It's about time. You need good things. You haven't had enough good..

So, travel. Lots of travel ahead of you too. So you're going somewhere next year? It says you are! It says you are crossing many borders to get there but it's not gonna be
in the U.S, It's actually an island off the U.S. that you are going to. How do I know this? It's because basically you have to fly over it to get to it. That is what you are doing and you will be very happy with this outcome.

This is a time to really over-accentuate how talented you truly are. It's a time to honk your own horn, and show people how good you are, and really start having more confidence in yourself, to be the best you can be. You have it lying within yourself right now, you just need to pull it out.

I definitely see some health-induced stasis when it comes to too much stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety can make you very ill when you are really not. So you have to be very careful with this and this is exactly what comes through here. Whatever it is you truly want, hope and desire will be yours within the year. Here's the key factor, do you know what you want? If you don't you're not going to get it. This is all about looking forward today, right this very moment, to the future ahead, and to start figuring out, "What do I need? Well. #1, I need a new job. When do I want it? 3 months. DONE. Well, my love life isn't going the way that I want it to. When do I want it to change? In 1 month. DONE." So, start putting those objectives ahead of you, and that is how you are going to achieve every goal and objective that you set before yourself now. When can you start?

Mich: Now?

Mike: GOOD. You will be a wealthy lady. You are not meant to be in poverty or anything like that. You are not meant to struggle, but it all starts now. See, over the course of the next 10 years, you are going to have financial wealth, but you need to be frugal. What I mean by that is, don't be cheap, but make sure that when if people are trying to always get money from you for whatever reason it is, you gotta get a backbone and say, "can't do it." Because you need to protect your assets and in the next 10 years, you are good to go. You can come and go as you please, you can buy whatever you want to buy, you can be and live the lifestyle you've always wanted to live, but you have to start today.

The next few months are going to be very difficult for you in regards to choices and decisions. See, #1, you are going to have to make a choice about this job. #2, you are going to have to make a choice about this relationship, #3, you are going to have to make a choice about where you are living. It all seems to come down around you over the next few months. Are there any bad choices? No. Just what feels right to you at that very moment in time and I guarantee you, success and fulfillment happen.

It also tells me here that you worry too much. The worry, self-doubt and anxieties need to dissipate and go away during this period in time. I guarantee you they will. It also says you need to start believing in yourself more than what you have been.
Confidence, confidence, confidence is something you need to work upon because you have a tendency to lack confidence in yourself when you are feeling insecure. Insecurities are at an all time high right now. And intimacy...well, hmm.. little flat. Things need to pick up in that area. Not that I'm worried about it, but I do know that it will continue to get better. But as of right now I do see it is not as you wish it to be presently.

This is all about transformation of change. Are you ready to change everything about yourself? The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you dress, everything? Throughout this next year, that lies before you. Everything about you is going to change, and change for the better. There is nothing negative about any of this, it's just how receptive are you, to the changes that are now before you? If you can be open and ready for it, will be happy with what you receive. And it's about time!!

You need this. You know what I speak of.

This is your new life's path.

You are juggling too much. Over the next 2 months, you need to learn to slow down, to direct your influence, to be more concise about what you are going after, and to really focus your energies. This is very nice. I see a new life's path ahead of your mate. Basically, he is going to turn into the man you've always wanted to be with.

Mich: Is this the new love?

Mike: The new love. I'm going to tell you that coming forth at this point in time is the man of your dreams that you shall be with until death do you part. How do you feel about this?

Mich: Hey, that's cool?

Mike: Financially, by the end of this year, your finances will come back together for you. What I mean by this is I definitely see more money coming into the picture during that period. At that point in time, your minimum balances are paid on a regular basis, it's not that you have an abundance of money but everything is paid and paid on time. That's what you are about to look forward to. It's going to be very nice for you. When does this all begin with all the finances? Well, this is slowly going to start trickling in within the next 4-5 months. Like I said, this is your chance to build up your nest egg again, to get some money in the bank and to start feeling good about what you are creating for yourself. This is not a time when you have money and you need to think, "I need to spend it!" It's all about putting it away and spending later. It would be more wise to do so.

You have a lot of life choices to make too. During a period of time of life choices when things are not exactly as you wish them to be. You will go through a period of transition to be sure that what you are bringing in is truly to what you desire. And if you are not happy with it? Oh, you will be, because you are not going to accept anything in unless you truly desire it to be with you life-lasting.

Let go of September. What I mean by that is, there hasn't been so many great aspects in it. It's been kinda crappy. So, are you going to take this discontent and unhappiness of all that happened within the month into October? No. Because next month, the opening of doors comes toward you. It is totally up to you when you want to run forth, and when you accept what you accept in, and when you want to stop and do absolutely nothing. You have great deals of potential that lie here before you to do great things within your lifetime. The potential that I see does not come across every day, but this is an indication that throughout the course of the next 4 months, everything that you choose to have - I mean really, truly, honest to god want, you can receive it. This only comes once. If you choose not to take advantage of this very special time, things may turn out a bit flat and you can't afford for that to happen. This is the time to push, and push hard to achieve everything you want. People wanna help you. You need to ask for assistance in getting where you need to go. The fulfillment and happiness you get from this is going to overwhelm every aspect of your life. What a beautiful road you have here. How do you feel about this for the next year?

Mich: I'm good with it.

Mike: This is what is forthcoming. It can be overwhelming when things start falling in to place, because when things haven't been so concise, you may find, "why is this happening to me? Should I accept it or not?" No more second guessing, no more self-doubt. Just keep moving forward and you will have and achieve everything you desire - as long as you WANT it.

Mich: Who doesn't want it?

Mike: A lot of times, things are going in the right direction, people get worried, and they go the opposite direction, and they don't know if they want it or not.

Presently what's going on? Well there is a lot of discontent that you have to release from you. Discontention is negativity. "Things aren't coming together, I might as well give up, forget it, I won't get it." This is admitting defeat, and giving in to processes that don't really serve you in the future ahead. You need to exercise each demon over the next 2 months. If you can do that, you can have what you are looking for.

You don't eventually see yourself here do you? I see a big move coming in the next 4 years, where are you moving?

Mich: I dont know

Mike: Here's your chance. This opportunity is in 4 years time. This opportunity will give you a chance to be the biggest success you ever could be. When you come back here, you will show people just what you've done. I think you need that, because during the period of time when this comes in, I think you've done pretty well for yourself, but you've never really tested the waters to see if you could be successful away from here. That is what you will do. And once you do it, you'll never look back.

I love the money aspect but how is your savings. Are you good at it? I think you need to open an account that locks your money in for 30-60 days. As you put the money in, you know you have no money that you can use. If you can get by with locking money in and forgetting about it, when you need it, it will be there for you. You need to seriously start considering doing this. Either do it this way, or buy some bonds so you can put them away. You will do this more over the next few months.

I see a lot of wealth surrounding you. You need to step it up and stop accepting less than what you desire. If you like expensive things, why are you buying the cheaper model? That is an indication that you need to start looking at the types of possessions and belongings that you want, so if you want the more expensive ones, waiting until you have the monies to buy it and then getting what you want to begin with. A lot of times people will think, "It doesn't make sense to get THIS, when I can get THIS for cheaper." If it is high quality, let me tell you, it is going to last you that much longer. If you don't believe it, test the theory.

The travel will be associated with someone's work future-forward, so you will have opportunities in the future to have more of an expense account, and to travel more to different destinations. You will come from here, to Ontario, to the West. Here, to Ontario to the West. There is a lot of jumping. Because of that, you will always be going, going, going, but I do know that the type of work YOU will do is going to bring you happiness because each and every day is going to be very different before you. I see a lot of happiness.

A lot of romance as well, so I hope romantically you know what you are looking for because over the course of the next 7 months you are going to get exactly what you are looking for. it's a nice road. It's about time it came towards you but it's nice to see it is finally coming into play at this point in time.

What would you like to know my lady? You can ask me anything

Mich: My dad.

Mike: He has got heart problems. There is major heart issues here, but I want to let you know that he is going to be around for a long time. What does your dad need to do with his diet? He needs to get rid of his sodiums. Those are the 2 factors that are going to control his blood pressure and his cholesterol. He will have heart issues. Inadvertently, he could have a massive heart attack. Can it be fixed?

Mich: But will he fix it?

Mike: I will tell you what you need to do to help him fix it. Buy him a piece of amethyst. Give him it in stone form. Just say, "I found this stone, hold on to it, it will bring you luck." Don't go into detail with him because most men don't believe any of that sort of thing and probably won't understand. It will keep his blood pressure down. But remember, he will be around a long, long time. Will he change his diet? Can you get him to do so? Will he listen to you? My recommendation would be to hide the salt, and even pre-packaged items with high sodium. Don't even bring them in the household.

You are not going to lose him, really. Not yet, anyway.

What else would you like to know?

Mich: What about this new love? And my current relationship?

Mike: Well, that is what you have to take care of. Things haven't been concise for a while. I see you taking time away from the one you are presently with, to see if you are on the same page. At that point in time if you try to come back and do it again, the issues still exist so you choose to move forward and maybe later on get back together. It won't happen. Basically, within the next month or so it looks like you are going to spend some time apart. Is it something you are doing? No. It is fated. When you are fated to meet a more destined man that is perfect for you, these types of issues happen. When they happen, you are going to have to go with it. A lot of happiness comes, but no guilt. That's the key.

You have one more, go ahead.

Mich: I better make it a good one. So this mysterious child you tell me about. Is this with the person I am with now?

Mike: No, the new love. You will have him in 2 years. He will be born in September. Little boy. And you are going to be really happy with him. He is going to be the apple of your eye. You have a lot of love coming, and a lot of money which is really nice.

You have got to lose
your negativities. If you do, happiness is waiting for you.
Everything we have discussed can happen exactly as I told you, but you control all parts of your own destiny. Should there be anything you start to manifest that doesn't make you happy please manipulate it as you see fit.

I wish you great happiness.

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